Living In New Brighton

Living in New Brighton

Us residents of New Brighton absolutely love it here. Our welcoming, tight-knit community work together closely, making it feel more like a village than a suburb, where everyone looks out for each other. You’ll be greeted when walking down the street, and people are happy to stop for a chat and help you out if you need it. Here are a few bits and pieces the locals want you to know about how great living in New Brighton is.

Pace of Life

While we might be part of Christchurch, we definitely move at a more relaxed, rural pace. It probably has something to do with being a seaside town. Living right next to a beach lets you take the dog for a morning walk or run, grab the board and hit some nice waves when they roll in or have quick coffee catchups with friends you made on a walk last week.

You won’t need to worry about rush hour traffic around New Brighton, and even if the roads do get busy, the shops are just a short walk away. And with the beach, our amazing estuary, a number of parks and the Red Zone just down the road, there’s plenty of playroom for the little ones.

So whether you’re visiting or thinking of moving, rest assured, you’ll be able to take things in your stride and have time to enjoy the little things.

Avon River

Avon Red Zone

After the earthquakes of 2011, a lot of residential land was deemed uninhabitable by the government. Once the buildings were cleared away, there was much deliberation about what would happen to the land. Now, it’s an incredibly green area with community initiatives and lovely areas to explore.

General Community

We’ve got a strong sense of community spirit here, with residents who’d likely give you the shirt off their back if you needed it, so if you’ve just moved to the area, or want to get more involved in the community, here are some great sites and groups you should check out.